Driven To Protect Your Interests

(806) 791-3080

About South Plains Security


Quality Work

Our Story

Since 1988, we have helped our clients with many problems and solutions. We strive to make every property we do safe and quiet for your clients, customers, tenants and make it a safer place to live and work. 

Services we offer are Standing guards, Parking lots, construction, Banks, fire watches, overnight apartment courtesy patrol, retail loss prevention and special last minute guards if you are having problems with Alarm systems, windows broken, and prevent entry until you can get it repaired. Rest assured we will be there for you day or night.

We will tailor a Security service that can’t be beat. We cannot guarantee that we are the cheapest in town but we will offer you the most professional service in the Lubbock area. 

Our owner, Manager and supervisors will take great care of you so you don’t have the headache. At times we will call you in the event of an emergency. Often many businesses use us if the property gets out of control or have an emergency. Why wait: call us and prevent UN necessary costs and down time to your business. We will handle your property’s security quietly and efficiently. 

Your business matters to us at South Plains Security & Patrol. Rest assured you are taken care of when you leave town also. We offer vacation watches. 

South Plains Security & Patrol is Bonded and insured at the highest level of protection and offer Workman’s Compensation protection. Don’t worry about the liability. We are there and protected solely as a contracted company. 

Furthermore, we will do our job as you request and will not worry you with questions. When we set you up for service we than add a post order and emergency contact page. We will train each officer for your premises. 

We Work For You

If you need to add hours, tailor hours or make changes to your post orders than do so with a quick call or email. We will take care of you while you are on the phone. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day 7 days a week and holidays. No worries, we will answer you or your tenant’s calls with lightning speed. 

Cost Effective

We are way cheaper than hiring off duty police. Our patrol services are built to be cost efficient and on top of all tasks. 

Our Values

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